Ewa Rams

Founder of IGLO, graduated from University of Technology in Wrocław in 2007 with project of " The Central Railway Station in Olsztyn". She commenced her professional experience in London and after three years she moved to Warsaw to collaborate with Polish companies. She got qualified for Part III architect in 2011. Currently she runs IGLO and cooperates with other architectural companies and designers.

Along with architecture there are two other disciplines which drive me in my life: contemporary dance and mountaineering or climbing. The common area of these three is the space which on one hand can be determined by us creating boundaries for it and on the other hand it can determine us and our actions. The disciplines, mentioned above, are complimentary thus inspiring. The space and humans are inextricable and that is the reason why it is worth to fight for its quality in architectural context.

What kind of architecture? form PURITY, MINIMALISM, connection between a human being and NATURE, the space as INTERDISCIPLINARY medium of art and life, architecture and art for people and their NEEDS.